Rabbi Jonathan Cahn needs to wear underwear on his face |
It’s the first week of 2012, and it appears that Bakker and his co-conspirators have taken yet another undeserved vacation on the ministry’s dime. Good thing he pre-taped a bunch of episodes to babysit the diaper-wearing crowd while he’s away. Unfortunately for us, those episodes consist of a marathon ramble-session with the World’s Most Annoying Rabbi as he reads scary stories to us all for days on end. It’s mind-numbingly boring and makes me want to smash a giant Matzo cracker over his head and watch it shatter into a million unleavened pieces. More annoying than Rabbi Cahn's rambling is his beard, which looks like pubic hair growing out of his face. If he actually goes out in public sporting that thing, then I suggest he wear underwear on his face for decency because if I see him uncovered, I'm calling the cops. That sucker is obscene.
"Hmm, how can I work these donations for my own benefit?" |
If I can stomach watching Rabbi Yawn over multiple days without running through my wall like a cartoon madman, then I’ll try and cover him at a later time. In the meantime, I decided to take a little internet jaunt over to Jim Bakker’s website to see what kind of shenanigans I could uncover. It didn’t take long.
Jim has an entry called ‘
Win/Win for Moldova and Missouri’. I clicked it, I read it, I vomited. Papa Smurf tells a tall-tale full of deception that culminates with himself and Philip Cameron pocketing money meant for others. Let me explain.
This food will never reach Moldova. |
A few months ago, Jim Bakker had a so-called ‘charity drive’ to raise money for food that would be sent to Cameron’s Moldovan Harem. Wait, let me correct myself. The food wouldn’t be sent to the Harem, it would be sent to Philip Cameron, who probably would have sold it on the Moldovan black market for a potato sack full of
roofies. This all occurred on an episode I didn’t cover, but you may recall seeing images in the past few months of a bunch of Morningside dipshits laying hands on a huge block of dehydrated vegan food. This block of food was approximately the size of an RV, and according to Jim it amounted to 13,662 boxes worth of fake food spread out over 23 pallets. That’s a lot of food, and given Jim Bakker’s huge markups, that’s a lot of donated money.
Why is this man trusted with money or orphans? |
Now, it’s important to note that the donated money did not actually buy this food. The food was donated by
Food for Health’s Lizard-In-Chief, Frank Davis. According to Snake Bakker, the food was donated in an amount equal to the money raised through donations. So we have two things going on here. A boatload of money donated by Bakker’s loyal inbreds to buy food for Moldovan orphans, and an equivalent amount of food donated as a tax write-off by good ol’ Lizard Lips.
In the normal world outside of Morningside, when people give money to charity, they are usually met with matching gifts by companies. In other words, the money given by Bakker’s simpletons should have been converted to food, then Fly-Eatin’ Frank Davis would scurry in and match the purchased food with his own donated food. To explain it in Jim Bakker terms, it should have been a 2-for-1 offer.
Or, perhaps the donated food money would have been sent, in it's entirety, to Moldova...to actually buy food in Moldova for the orphans. There would be no need for Frank Davis to be involved, just raise the money, send it over, and all the kids get to eat while the Moldovan economy receives a boost from charitable Christian giving.
This isn’t what happened, and as you’ll see, the dirty hands of Bakker and Cameron seem to have worked this gimmick to their own benefit.
Foodbucket Frank donated 13,000 cases of food to Bakker |
Reading further, we hear that Jim Bakker and Philip Cameron tried their best to get this dehydrated vegan quack food to Flip’s Moldova girls, but due to ‘issues with customs’ they could not ship it there. That’s a pretty lame story Jim. After all, isn’t
Philip Cameron the guy who claimed months ago to hobnob with Moldovan government officials, going on tours of Moldovan wineries and making demands for his orphanage? Isn’t he the big shot in that little country, the sleazy Scottish pimp with the overflowing wallet that collects up orphaned girls and places them in brand new buildings for his own personal use? And he can’t accept shipment of food?
So now, according to Jim Bakker, the food cannot be shipped. Again I should make this clear: There are two large piles here: One pile of money, and one pile of food. Actually there is a third pile, the big pile of shit that is Jim Bakker and Philip Cameron mashed together, but I don’t want to confuse anyone so we’ll stick with the two.
Philip Cameron with his soon-to-be-hungry orphan girls |
Given the so-called impossibility of shipping this food to Moldova, the Bearded Dragon decided that he would keep the food for himself. Yes you read that correctly, Bakker has now taken the donated food for his own use. He has decided to generate goodwill for himself in Blue Eye, MO, by providing food to anyone who has a need. A quick internet search shows that Blue Eye, MO has only 1,969 people living there, so I don’t see much need for
thirteen-thousand cases of fake food. The Snake also plans to distribute it to his very own food pantry and into the surrounding communities. Will that plan work out as well as your plan to distribute food to Moldova, Jim? I think you’re full of crap, and I think your plan is
and always was to distribute the food to
yourself. That’s one plan that never seems to fail.
This dipshit willingly gave money to Jim Bakker |
Oh, and the money donated by Morningside dimwits to send food to Philip Cameron’s Moldovan girls? Bakker has generously decided to send the funds that would have paid the
shipping costs to the poor, starving Moldovan girls. Or put more correctly, he’s decided to give the ‘shipping cost’ money to Philip Cameron, who will do with it as he sees fit. "
Pardon me ma'am, how do you say ‘hookers and cocaine’ in Moldovan"?
But wait, there’s more! I don’t recall how much Jim sells this PlantPure food for, but a quick internet search shows it priced at $25-$45 a case. If I take the middle price ($35), and multiply it by the amount of food that was donated to Jim (13,662), I get a whopping $478,170. This is the estimated amount of money that was donated to Jim, which was then matched in food by Food for Health. I’d love to know the real dollar amount, but since Jim Bakker doesn’t like transparency in his ministry and refuses to show his ‘ministry partners’ how much money flies in and out of that place, all we can do is guess.
Why not just run an orphanage in the US, Mr Cameron? |
Considering that
it costs less than $10,000 to ship a car to Europe, how much could it possibly cost to ship twenty-three measly pallets of food to Moldova? This is a very important question, because it determines how much money was left over from the chump change ‘shipping costs’ payment Jim Bakker sent overseas to Philip Cameron. Since Jim admittedly sent only an amount equal to the shipping cost, how much remained? And of what remained, where did it go? Did Jim need to pay off another church secretary?
Jim makes no mention at all of this glaring financial discrepancy. He makes it sound as if he gave away all the money to the orphans in Moldova, but we can see that this isn’t very likely to be true given the amount of money involved; it doesn't cost half a million dollars to ship a few pallets of food overseas. So the question becomes, where did this money go?
Care to answer that one, Pastor Jim?
1 – 200 of 327 Newer› Newest»Wow, I had just come back to post about tht same exact thing. The original money having done nothing but line Jim's coffers.
Also, i think we're seeing the latest Master's Media class in action
DCI 1001: Damage Control on the Internet I - Learn how to use anonymous logins and rambling non-sequiter to attempt to run damage control on our great leader's image. Techniques include obfuscation, red herring tossing, strawman building, and truth bending. Advanced techniques include personal attacks on dissidents, ignoring the argument, and taking scriptures out of context in attempts to shame those on the other side.
Another great post, Ron. Thank you for explaining the hanky panky going on with the Moldovan food. When we first heard about it, we suspected something was rotten in Blue Eye.
This elaborate bait-and-switch is one of the most egregious acts yet from the Bakker Clown Show and reeks of immense illegality. Federal Trade Commission, State of Missouri, FBI --- where are you???
By the way, I'm personally familiar with distributor margins. They are typically 20 to 30 points, which means if you know the selling price, to get a margin of 20 points you divide the price by .8. If it's 30 points, divide by .7.
Manufacturer margins are typically 50 points, meaning if your food bucket costs $35 at wholesale, the manufacturer is actually charging the seller about $17 - $18.
Bottom line: There's a huge amount of money at stake here. This isn't petty larceny. This is felony territory here.
This isn't even a good con. He even posts on his website how he's played this shell game. jim probably figures the brain dead zombies don't understand what he's done. There's a good chance the donated food ever gets donated to anyone. No reputable charity will take the stuff and the nutritional value is that of salted cardboard.
Morningside is ground zero of the moronic plague.
Ooops. Meant to say there's little chance the dehydrated food will be redonated. Look for lots of survival food special deals from the apocolyptic shopping network.
Jerry Jones said that Jim pays $37.50 each for the buckets of food that Jim sells for $250.
Go to the Jim Baker show home webpage and click on photos then go to the family album. You will see pictures from Thanksgiving and Christmas. These celebrations were at his lake home. Look at the vaulted two story living room with his two story Christmas tree. Notice all the windows facing the lake. The nice fire place, complete with expensive leather furniture. You get a glimpse of the beautiful leather furniture in the photo of Claire celebrating her 20th birthday. You will also see Jim out and about on his boat. He's taking a nice Sunday ride on the lake with the family.
He isn't shy about his extravagant lifestyle! Nothing like flaunting it.
Why does Jim need a speed boat when everything is about to fall apart? How will he buy the gas for it? Why does he need a pool? How will he pay for the upkeep on the pool? All this when it will take a barrel full of dollars to just buy a loaf of bread, and Lori will be bartering for toilet paper!
Why does Jim and Lori need a lake home if Morningside is such a wonderful place to live? The website describes Morningside as a place of worship and fellowship in a peaceful valley, with big trees and beautiful streams of running water. It's described as a beautiful oasis. In fact, Morningside is so wonderful you should invest all your retirement money with Jerry Crawford and Jim! You can look forward to moving into one of those lovely condos at the oasis, with all that wonderful fellowship! You can look forward to Sunday church with ______ (you fill in the blank) pastor. Yes, wonderful times in bible study and worship, you just will never know who your leader will be! You can send your children to that amazing college. They will come out on fire for the Lord, leaders for the next generation! Just warn them to beware of the sleazy hip hop, and seduction from the pillars in the communities kids! Tell them to check their hormones at the door because there will be no supervision and moral oversight. It's all you'd want from a christian college! Yes, you get all this and more, and yet Jim and family are bailing out of all that wonderment! Why would they would want to escape paradise, for a lousy lake home, down the street!
People are blindly sending this man their money and are not thinking any of this through!
Interesting post Ron. I too believe the amount of profit from the Moldovan scam to be significant as well. But what does Mr. Bakker do with his new found wealth? Hiding the loot is out of the question of course. Typical money laundering is also not possible. His modus of operation could be throwing the loot into a construction project(s) and convert the Moldovan money into project donations. My word for 2012 is "Lori's House".
You will soon hear Jim announcing what he spoke of last week. It is a construction project called "The World's Largest Freeze Dried Food Warehouse and Private Television Studio". He is planning to build this warehouse and studio soon. I find the warehouse claims hard to believe. One would think that the Mormans who manufacture the food buckets would have the largest warehouse and not Jim. As far as the new studio is concerned, Jim was saying that people often walk by on Grace Street at Morningside and they are talking and distract him while he is taping so he would prefer to have a new private studio where he is not distracted. He wants to place this new studio in the same building as "The World's Largest Freeze Dried Food Warehouse". All of this came within days after saying that the college is completely out of money.
Today is Sunday. Wonder how the Sunday services with __________________(insert name here) were at this community of love and worship?
Why doesn't Jim just replace the live studio audience with cardboard people cutouts? Throw bright coloured jackets on them!
How many orphans in Moldova? Do they really need that much of dried food?
Is it better to eat healthy freshd food over dried food? Why dont they support the local food producers or farmers to cook food for kids? What a hell!!!! They dont really care about the kids I guess!
Mama San
Hello everyone!
I also saw the live broadcast Awaiting is talking about above and I got the impression that the new studio is not going to totally replace the one at Grace Street. He will still record his show on Grace Street but wants this new studio as an addition for the production of commercials and all other non-live Jim Bakker Show projects.
He also did mention that new warehouse too and that really surprised me as that will be a high dollar proposition, not only to build, but also to maintain. The studio will require mega bucks in duplicate high definition equipment, as well, and keep in mind that Lori's House, should it require medical equipment (depending on the laws of The State of Missouri) will also cost hundreds of thousands, if not over one million dollars to outfit.
The construction question of the year is:
Why is/was the pool hardly mentioned?
I recall hearing one announcement made that Bakker was about to build a pool and nothing more. The next thing I heard it was already built. Had this been the PTL club there would have been live TV cameras in that pool each and every day giving the "partners" updates so they could all view the pool they would soon be swimming in as it was being built. Am I correct that this pool is for all the "partners" to use, as well as the residents of Morningside too? Someone mentioned a while ago that this was a private pool for the Bakkers ???
How about some help here from the Morningside employees? What's the deal with the secret pool?
Great post, Ron. I doubt we'll have another 300+ comment run here, as the information will go WAAAAY over some zombie heads. Too bad.
I was in church this morning, and on the back of our bulletin for everyone to see, including visitors, is a breakdown of our annual church budget plus the offerings from the previous Sunday. Every 2 months we have a meeting between services where the budget (in infinite detail) is laid out, we vote on items, and we ask questions of the financial secretary and leadership. It is so transparent. Granted, we are only a 400 person congregation, but I don't understand why it doesn't bother the people who live and work at Morningside that they don't have access to black-and-white information about where every ministry dollar goes.
Dear Kelsey,
Please add my name to the transparency showing of our local church. Everyone who comes to our services, including visitors, receives a bulletin as they enter the sanctuary and that bulletin contains how much money we took in last week, how much we paid out and what the current amount in our church bank account is. We also lay out exactly how much debt we are in and compare that to our bank balance. We even include "year to date" information of all monies collected and all debt owed and payed. I am proud to say we run a good honest church and, even if we do get behind, it is never more than about $5,000 of which the entire congregation is aware. Why hide anything? This is a church. This is not a "get rich quick" scheme to buy expensive hidden items or anything of the sort.
To the Morningside residents/students:
This is the way it is supposed to be! If your church is not like that remember this old saying: "If it walks like a duck and looks like a duck and quacks like a duck..." Guess what it is? No church anywhere in the United States should have ANYTHING to hide as far as member donations and their total budget is concerned.
Thank-you, Kelsey, for bringing this up. It is about time the Bakker supporters hear this and take the time to think long and hard about it.
Of course jim isn't transparent. This is the way he operated PTL, multiple non profits with money transferred between them and graft that was rampent. This is why jim only gives money to charities he controls.
Another thing that crackes me up is that Morningside's financial backer stated that he credits jim for saving his marriage because of a workshop jim performed at Heritage. Lol, nothing like marriage advise from a bisexual adultorer. The whole place is a scam.
Is it the same Jim who cheat on his wife with both women and men?
Is it the same Jim who his ex wife divorced him?
Is it the same Jim who went to prison for fraud?
How he can consult people about anything?
Anonymous said...
Bought a home and 8 acres off highway 86 in April of 2009. Seller was Jerry Crawford. Found out later my little 8 acres is right next to Morningside. So close in fact, I can throw a rock and hit the site Lori's house is being built. Had the displesure of construction noise sgtarting at 6:30 a.m. Has been no movement for a month or so now. According to Stone County planning and zoning no permits have been issued but permits are not needed to move dirt on your property. It is my understanding permits are not needed until work is started on foundation. Have tried to contact Jim about puchasing my property numerous times to no avail. Why wont you respond Jim???? Not nice. I took a ride on Morningside and was told by a young man working on the bath house that there was going to be "alot" of construction going on real soon. If I had known my property was next to this slime ball I do not belive I would of purchased here. Shame on me for not doing my homework. I laughed the other day on my way to work when the pickup truck in front of me was loaded with buckets of Bakkers food. I will keep you updated on construction of Lori's House. I believe Bakker is a con artist and always did. Never thought I would be his next door neighbor. Joe C. Blue eye, Missouri
Why spend $45,000 dollars on an engraved image to stand in Morningside? It's not really Jeaus and it doesn't even look like Jesus. So is this a statue to worship? This is really creepy.Jesus was not a white man.
I would also like to add this to my transparency comments above. Many preachers, like Bakker, ask you to give your money "to God". However, when you examine who "God" is on paper, you find that:
a) the church corporation
b) the church building
c) the church land & total real estate
d) all items, including furnishings, inside of the church building and
e) the entire church bank account/investments
are all in the name of one or two people! You are not really giving your money to "God". You are donating money which, in a pure legal sense, is enriching the investment portfolio of those one or two people! I, personally, have seen church pastors decide to move to another state because the weather is better there and then they say "Goodbye" to the entire congregation and then sell the entire church building and all assets to another totally different, non-Christian, religious faith because their offer on the real estate and related assets was the best thus leaving the entire congregation (over 1,000) out in the cold to go find another church to join and attend! What in the hell kind of Christianity is this?
In our church that is completely impossible to do. No one or two or three people own anything. You are donating to a church only, which is owned by the church (and ALL of its members) and it has been that way for over 50 years. The way our church is set up, it is literally IMPOSSIBLE for any person to get rich off of it. It has not ever, nor will not ever happen.
Anytime you look at a brick and mortar church's finances and you see the entire ministry is in one or two people's name only, get out of there and run like there is no tomorrow. I really can't put it any more honestly than that.
Thanks everyone for allowing me to post this heartfelt information and I really would like all Bakker supporters to take this information to heart and in the spirit in which it has been given.
Dear Joe C. of Blue Eye, MO,
On December 2, 2011, Jim Bakker, over on Phil's blog, had these exact words to say:
"My office door is always open for anyone with an issue, prayer request or concern. I invite you to come in for a chat or simply call the main switchboard and they will patch you through to my office."
Now Joe, it sounds like Jim Bakker is a rather easy man to always get ahold of. You certainly don't think Jim Bakker would be telling a lie, do you?
In my opinion the giant sized Jesus statue is nothing more than a tourist attraction as far as Jim is concerned. Once it is erected he will go on and on about it on his show and tell people that they must come to Morningside to see the beauty of it.
Obviously the Jesus statue is a ploy to look good in front of the cameras. If bakker was serious about being a good Christian he would quit abusing his employees and lying through his teeth everyday. Anyone who can't see he is a fraud just ignores the obvious since he is doing now the same thing that put him in prison in the first place, right down to the lifetime partnerships he sells.
Joe C.,
Great next-door observances. Pleae keep Ron and his Ronettes up-to-date on your efforts to unload your 'God-thing' property on Gramma Char.
Any eye-witness descriptions are 'annoited and blessed'
Don't you love irony??
Unload your 'God-thing' property on Gramma Char? Can someone explain this statement as I haven't clue what it means. Thanks.
Sounds like Jimbo took the Moldovan freeze dried food shipping money and went on a nice vacation AGAIN! Kevin couldnt make ends meet with his own ministry so now he is back with Jim and running things while he is away.
jim would die rather than give up the info on how much money he brings in and what he spends it on. whats life if you cant get plastic surgery and hide deviant sexual activities with some hush money.
i wonder how much money he actually brings in?
Jim claims that the Ozark mountain and valley he is building on is a 'God-thing' (therefore it can't be come against). Gramma Char seems to have her name linked to the ministry, tabernacle, Lori's house, etc.
EVERYONE! Leave Jimmy alone!
Not4Prophet, Thanks for explaining.
Some of these comments & names really crack me up
Too bad there was no taping today. I was looking forward to my free Dino Cake and to stealing some more cookies!
Lol Bandit. You're gonna make all fake cry. Or, maybe they'll just curl up in the fetal position. Taking all jim's cookies.....lol.
It seems that you have a front row seat to the construction circus at Jim's compound Joe C. I feel for you having to hear all that noise as Jim erects his kingdom. Just remember to have that glazed look in your eyes as you walk among the Morningside zombies and you won't be questioned as to who you are. Gripping a piece of cake in your hand would help as well. Sorry, I couldn't resist Joe. Take care out there. All the best.
Who will cry more when they get busted? Jim or Zach?
Where do these socalled righteous folk come from. For once and for all let it lie, Pastor Bakker does not cuss out employees, never have nor will. The Pastor Bakker you see on camera,is the Pastor Bakker you see outside the lime lights. I reckon maybe what we have here are a few disgruntled employees who were FIRED, for cause, just cause. Hell, hath no fury like a fired worker with access to an anonymous forum. Put it this way, it is a violation of the EOC laws to treat employee in such a manner. Morningside has a large number of employees and must abide by those standards set forth by the Federal Government, why have no complaints been filed? What's up with that? Sorry, Nice try, but noone is buying your bogus bull about Bakker being a meglomaniac and tyrant. Tell it to the Marines!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!
Obviously, Zach Drew must be bored again or maybe he ran out of beer. He said he would never come back on here again and now he's back. The United States Marines is an organization that does not fleece the elderly or fail to pay their taxes. In fact, it is the very taxes Bakker refuses to pay that fund The United States Marines. One more thing Zach. With a college full of 8 students all who are attending there for free don't you think your Dad is getting screwed by being the only parent in the bunch who is paying to keep your fat ass there? It is one thing to help a convicted con artist raise money. It is totally another thing, and a much worse thing, to allow your own parents to be swindled at the same time. You should be ashamed of yourself.
And the beat goes on ----------- said,,,,, yes he has. It has nothing to do with richesnious. He is fake.he lies and he cusses. I know first hand.
Zach drink beer? I bet he is still on his Mommy's nipple.
6:02 PM: Maybe his parents don't care where he is as along as he is not at home.
To the beat goes on.....I have asked the same question, why don't people who have left the Bakker "ministry sue or speak out? We have discussed this with our pastor. I know of the horrific abuses that people have tolerated and overlooked out there out Morningside. The only explanation we can come up with is christians believe it is not right according to the scriptures to sue. The scripture says not to sue your brother in Christ, because you should be able to settle your disputes between yourselves. There is no settling the abuses by Bakker and associates because they are not christians. They go on witch hunts against people in their community and don't handle disputes in a Christ like way. There is no dealing with these type of evil people out of court. It's only a matter of time before a Godly person who has left there abused and stolen from says enough! I pray that someone brings a lawsuit soon to bring it all to an end. There are absolutely times when it is necessary to take someone posing as a christian to court. In the case of Jim Bakker and Crawford I believe now is the time!
Now is the Time! Did you just steal that from Jim? hahah
yeah i guess it would be the first time ever that a former employee didnt file a complaint with the government because they got fired, everyone who ever got fired has done that right?
maybe they realized what a blessing it was to get the hell away from jimmy and his thieving and sexual frogging. did you think about that.
sounds like the beat goes right up jim's behind.
If Jim is on vacation it may have lined up with the world's biggest technology trade show. The 2012 Consumer Electronics Show opened in Vegas on Monday night. He's probably looking for things to buy with his Moldovan loot.
To say there was no wrong done to former employees because none have sued is ridiculous. Some walk away the wiser, some are unsure whether their complaints warrant a lawsuit, some never go to any length to get legal advice, and some don't want the expense and drama of a court case. I'm sure there are still others that are humiliated that they had any part in what was going on at Morningside, and wish to put it all behind them.
Insinuating that a only a pending lawsuit is evidence of fraud or abuse is silly.
And how about this - you all think the devil sent Jim to prison and that he was innocent - by your own standard, if there was a lawsuit there must have been wrong doing.
Open your eyes!
Who knows he might got sued and paid it off. Why bother told you, KID? Who you think you are, KID? You are nothing to Jim BOB!!!!
Mama San
Zach, So the Pastor Bakker I see on camera,is the Pastor Bakker I see outside the lime lights? Interesting thought. Good to know he fake cries in public as well as on his show.
To the cookie monster; What??? Not happy with free cookies and complimentary coffee. Now you have to take the centerpieces on the tables also? HAHA, gotcha!!!
To Kool Aide Kid,
Interesting that you mentioned a trade show in Las Vegas. Jerry Jones, Jims partner in crime is going there on vacation. Wish my employer would send me on paid vacations, I hardly get vacation pay! That is what it is like out here in the real world. Life is a luxury for the butt kissers in that organization, hell for the rest!
Yep, I did mean "now is the time" let me explain to the simple minded Bakker fools....sometimes you have to release a little steam and make fun of Jim. That's why we all love Ron's blog so much. Thanks Ron, you have done more for my blood pressure that my doctor did!
Ron, I meant to say you have done more good for lowering my blood pressure than the doctors or pills could have. So good to know there are people who despise this lying little creature as much as I do.
I just recently ran into the Jim Bakker show on TV and have become somewhat of a regular viewer. Why? Because it is so hilarious! It reminds me of the old SCTV satire series, but this is even more funny. I love the birthday gifts they give away to audience members - such as dinner at a ramshackle hillbilly pizza shack that has the giant "We Deliver!" banner across it. Or, the tickets for a semi-comatose elderly lady (poor thing) to see the so-called Russian comedian who had about 90 seconds of fame 30 years ago. Or, the cheap jewelry trinkets he gives to his workers on the set who grimace when they are told of their wonderful worthless birthday gifts.
Here is what I guage about this show's viewership:
1. Mentally ill people who are convinced that the world is coming to an end tomorrow.
2. Assisted-living elderly people who still have check books.
3. Mentally handicapped and low-IQ people.
4. Pot heads and juicers who laugh their heads off when they watch this ridiculous circus of a TV show.
5. People like me who can't believe this is real.
Nothing has changed with Jim Bakker in all of these years since he said on TV news during his trial that giant bugs were after him. NOTHING.
Aren't there any investigative journalists looking for a good story anymore?
Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair - this is an investigative assignment just itching to be told.
From the Prosperity Preachers like the Crouch Empire to the End Times Bakker, this is huge.
In 1987, The Charlotte Observer ran 600 stories about Bakker's corrupt PTL Club and some of those stories went on to win one of the most distinguished journalism awards ever, the Pulitzer Prize. I believe it is only a matter of time until another media outlet decides that the American public needs to be told the truth about how a convicted felon, taking home $300 a week, can live (again) the lavish lifestyle he does and this media outlet will proceed to dedicate the necessary resources to end this fraud.
After spending a large part of Sunday on the Stone County, Missouri Planning and Zoning web site, it clearly states that any excavation work done within the county does in fact need to have a permit. Unless my hearing is much worse than I thought, I am sure the person I spoke to at the Courthouse stated to me that anybody can move dirt on their land and permits are not required until the foundation is started. I cannot help but to wonder if the person on the other end of the phone was one of Jims zombies. I am not making any accusations but I will be taking a trip to Galena this week to the courthouse to find out for myself. I have been notifed by my neighbor down the road (his land abuts Morningside also) that he has hired a lawyer and is checking into things. Joe C Blue Eye Missouri...
I must admit I fall into gategory number 5 anonymous. I find myself fixated on the t.v. watching Jim do his thing. I missed the overtime score by Denver because I was mesmerized by Bakker on my computer screen. Good thing I had it taping!!!! Did anybody else here him say on a recent show that "you people have cleared out the warehouse" and have purchased over 8 million dollars worth of food. Wonder where that money went. He went on to fake cry and apologized to the people that did not recieve their foodbuckets when promised. He then proceeded to hawk his product and told everybody how they needed to be"the first in line" because the food waqs "coming off the production line" again. Cant make this stuff up. Joe C. Blue Eye
People here are very fond of putting down the former PTL club and Heritage USA. But the facts are, those two institutions have done more for family happiness and put a smile on more people's faces through those years then anyone knows. If only you critics could have seen (I suppose most of you are too young) and been there, it was unbelievable how much happiness, gaiety, existed there. You just felt wonderful about life in those surroundings, truly a mystical experience. I hope the Reverend Bakker is able to do the same magic at Morningside, HALLELUJAH!!!!
Dear Joe C. of Blue Eye, MO:
Assuming the attorney your neighbor hired is a very good one, that attorney will be placing Bakker under oath in a series of sworn depositions that carry the exact same weight and penalties as if Bakker were in a courtroom testifying live. Hopefully, that attorney will order the depositions to also be videotaped, as well, so they can later be released to the general public (such as given to the media and/or placed on YouTube) for all to see. If Jim Bakker conducts himself, in those sworn depositions, like he does on regular television and proceeds to lie through his teeth and those lies can be proven to be lies in a court of law, then he will be guilty of felony perjury and you will not have to worry about seeing him or his construction crews nextdoor to you for a very long time. Rather than go through this, a more logical assumption will be that either Bakker or Crawford will purchase the property back, from both youself and your neighbor, at fair market value plus attorney fees and moving costs. Good luck! I wish you nothing but the best!
Thank you Brother Dortch. Joe C
Agreed that people are full of happiness by this Jimbo's make up stories and fake cries. They must feel safe and so secure to live at The Morningside!
No argued with that but on the other hands, their check book is thinner and thinner, isn't it?
Until that DAY comes, either END DAY or JAIL DAY!!!
Will See! Hope you still be alive to see.
The whole Jim Bakker spiel is so transparent, it seems impossible to me that ANYONE could possibly get drawn into his scams.
I was one of the incredulous viewers back in the 80s during the PTL Heyday.
My spouse thought I was about to run away and join the PTL cult, but actually I was infuriated at what Jim & Tammy were doing. I simply could not stop watching.
The same is true today. Jim is up to his same old tricks.
Jim's a huckster in the truest sense of the word.
There was a 60 MInutes report on Greek Orthodox monks in the mountains of Greece who dedicate their lives to their religion.
Interesting juxtaposition between the monks and ol' JimBob. As different as night and day, yet all under the umbrella of Christianity.
By the way, now my spouse is hooked too. :-)
Good for the Greeks, but what is your point? Are you suggesting Pastor Bakker adopt the same tactics and methods as these saintly Monks? And what about the charitable mission of Morningside. Hey!! No matter how much you turn it off and ignore the facts, Morningside is helping lots and lots of unfortunates through "practical" means, these sky pilot monks are doing what, a few Hossanna don't put bread on the table at the homeless shelter.
I would now like to address this particular question to the Bakker supporter above @12:44.
I will phrase this question in the most simple and straight forward manner that I know how to. My question is simply this:
Whose fault is it that Heritage USA is now closed?
I will be anxiously awaiting your response. Thank-you.
To Brother Dortch: I would submit that Heritage USA was a victim of the times. Like many, many theme parks of that era they succumbed to financial starvation and poor management decisions by the Rev. Fawell. It did not last because in reality the location was not the best for such a venture, but I see a different scenerio with Morningside, that area being very popular with Veterans and also close proximity to Bransome.
Dear Full Circle:
So, in answer to my question, it is the poor location, as well as the poor management of Rev. Falwell that is responsible?
In response to Full circle with love.
I understand that success to an enterprise or organization is its proximity to a town or city. That I understand, but what I don't understand is why you stated veterans? Can you explain that?
Tony Orlando said that the area that Bakker broadcast from, is it Bransom MI., is supposidly the Veteran's #1 tourist destination or so he claims. He made that statement when he was on Bakker's show last year, about the same time Bakker had the Lennon Sisters and Debbie Boone on. I don't know how accurate that statement is and based on what criteria, but that's what he said.
To 3:03 PM
Thanks, I didn't know that.
"charitable mission of Morningside"? "helping through "practical" means???
Excuse me?!?
Since when is Bakker putting bread (or anything else) on the table at homeless shelters? If that were true, there would be a whole lot more than 12 people in his audience.
The point is: Under the BROAD heading of Christianity, Bakker vs. the monks pose a strikingly different profile.
Apparently, selling sleep bands, cubic zirconia earrings, & cheap watches that street vendors would turn down is saintly work.
News to me! Whatta concept!
To 3:09: I guess Tony is a big advocate for the Vets. and he seems sincere, sort of like a Gary Sinise who is always involved in one Vet cause after another. Bakker is an opportunist who jumps on bandwagons though, him, I'd want to see what his motivation in everythingis. No matter how good, sorry, that how I view the guy, I could be wrong, but time will tell, I don't hink a tiger changes his stripes or a leopard it's spots.
Since the majority of folks headed to Branson are old, and since majority of old folks had been drafted into ww2 or Korea, I could see why so many veterans go to Branson. It is all math.
I believe a con man would help the needed to make himself look good. That does not make his con ok.
I've noticed something in the last few weeks that I may have missed in past Jim Bakker Shows. Everytime Jim mentions a distractor during his show he ridicules the person by talking in a strange little voice. In the background you can see and hear Lori laughing to this nervously. Like I said, I've just recently noticed this rude behavior but perhaps Bakker has done this for some time.
Even Vietnam Vets. are getting long in the tooth. They are all in the 60s and 70s. I can see where Bakker can be very hard on folks. I just don't get the Zach Drew thing, why pay Zach big bucks when you have Kevin? Kevin did OK before as Jim's Ed McMann with the head nodding and agreeing.
Zach gets big bucks? lol
I've never watched the actual live feed, but if the Frog-In-Chief is yelling at people during taping and that's acceptable, then why doesn't Senor Frog keep this in the show that he actually airs?
Jim says that his students will be the next generation of people running Christian TV. He needs to bring one of his students, Zach, to the for front to prove his school is doing that.
I guess my turning point on the Bakker thing was the day he drove into the studio in that truck, maybe a year ago or so. I'm not faulting someone for buying a new truck, it was more the way he drove it on stage. Shades of PTL long ago, either he is the most honest man there is or he has some sort of psychological problem in the social whelm. It is like he didn't learn or gain anything positive from incarceration and punishment. Right back to business as usual, and almost a noise thumbing, when he drove that truck onstage. I mean why does he even think people would have cared to see him in the truck. Like a Junior in High School, pulling up in a new car. I don't get it. I think he made an error in judgement there.
Heritage was built on fraud and false promises. Once the fraud was revealed and the promises broken, the place fell to ruin. Wouldn't have mattered if the place was in NC or Branson, it was doomed and nobody could save it (much less Jerry Falwell).
Sit tight Joe C. You'll soon be able to buy a massive haybarn along with a cement pond for pennies on the dollar. You might even get a1000000 years supply of foodbuckets for free.
Zach Drew will be making minimum wage and not big bucks. LOL!!!
Watched the clown-fest again last night with the creepy Rabbi. While he is talking about the coming End Times, and while they show the planes (one more time) flying into the World Trade Center, did anyone notice they have added an ominous sounding music track? Kind of a cross between the Jaws soundtrack and something out of a Star Wars battleship scene.
Amp up the fear again, Bakker! The fevered buying by the inbreds and oldsters must have slowed down a bit.
lol. i cant wait to see jim arrested. i wonder if he will fake cry the whole time, or if he will do us all a favor and kill himself rather than go to jail?
I should have seen this one coming! They finally have found a new preacher for the Sunday services at Morningside. Are you ready for this one? The new pastor is...
He preached last Sunday on "The Bible and secret codes of the Holy Spirit within the text"
Zach Drew isn't on the show to appeal to a younger audience - he's on there to appeal to the "grandmas" in the audience. Lonely, elderly people who want to feel some sort of relationship with the young people. Mentoring them through scholarships and prayer. One show Jim even created a "Grandma's and Grandpa's Club". I think it was for Phillip Cameron's girls. While Jim was spewing his BS about his new "club" that he apparently came up with on the spot, he promised all these grannies that they would get pictures and could write letters to the kids.
On another note, why is that these end times preachers keep telling us that God has hidden messages in the Bible and current events - as if only the smartest and most tuned in of us would be able to figure it out? And this message of "if we don't turn back to God, then He will bring down judgement on us...."
The Alpha & Omega, the I AM, the Creator and Author of Life who knows every hair on my head and every thought I've ever had ALREADY has a perfect plan and it has nothing to do with what we do or don't do. We can't change God's mind by piecing together hidden clues from Isaiah and 9/11. God's not waiting on pins and needles wondering if we're all going to "come back to him".
What egocentric fools to preach otherwise.
The Rabbi has been on the show promoting and selling those "The Harbinger" books and that is where Zach has obviously gotten the idea from. He is trying to be a visionary who sees things others do not see. But wait, I also see something that came to me just now. It's a drunken Zach Drew full of foul language dancing with the rap crew to gangster rap music.
I wonder if Zach started his sermon by pointing his thumb at his chest and yelled " and I'm Zach Drew!".
Oh, and more and more is continuing to come to me as I receive the secret codes. I see a filthy gangster rap video, with Zach Drew dancing, located here:
But I also see the devil coming against the video when someone starts talking about the video on this forum. Next, I see someone ordering the removal of the video from public view.
How dare somebody mess with the devine works of those "Prophets In Training"
I find Ron's photo of Philip Cameron with his soon-to-be-hungry orphan girls extremely creepy. It must have taken the strength of "Thor" to keep Cameron's hands to himself for that photo!
I watch Jim Bakker to see what the next love gift is, what will go next with our world, etc.
This is the second week that he is showing the rabbi speak and amazed how focused his message is on 9/11 from pre disaster to post disaster.
I did not realize the ffh was donating the food - so i do believe jim got some dollars in his pocket cause he has the free food, money to buy the food and only sent shipping costs ? He has been wearing some really nice suits lately .. hmmm
Zach is really trying to do some good by preaching to a congragation. he is not on tv doing it. he actually cares and it shows because his goal is to be a preacher, not a television phenomenon like Jim. cut him some slack. so what if he is associated with someone who has sinned in the past. has any preacher avoided the same?
Completely agree with your comments, Kelsey. Thank you! :-)
This is from People.com, an archive story about Bakker's PTL trial....
"Bakker's psychiatrist, Dr. Basil Jackson, reports the preacher is suffering from a Goyaesque hallucination in which "suddenly people took the form of frightening animals, which he felt were intent on destroying him, attacking him and hurting him." As he's deposited in the backseat of a squad car after being led from his lawyer's office, Bakker once again assumes the fetal position. "
Okay. So the crying prophet told his psych doctor that "people took the form of frightening animals."
Funny, that's exactly what I see when I turn on his current TV show for some laughs. Goyaesque, baby!
If Zach wants to be a real preacher then he should leave Morningside, go to a real seminary and be ordained by an actual church. Until then, he's just the MC at the circus.
By the way, sounds like he's learned from Jimbo how to scare the heck out of people, hidden codes and such.
Hi please people:
Zach is preaching on the JB show everyday and pushing product. Cut him some slack?
Jim has sinned in the past! Is he now infallible in your eyes! I beg to differ with you, Jim is sinning everyday when he lies, fake cries, and scares people, to in essence steal from them. Sorry it doesn't fly with me to "cut his some slack". God won't cut him slack, so neither should a true believer!
Beware (Be on guard, be cautious) of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing. Matthew 7:15
A mature believer will heed Paul's teaching in Ephesian 4: 14 & 15....We should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful scheming.
I Corinthians 3:1 describe people who are following Jim as: worldly, carnal, people of the flesh, people still influenced by the corrupt nature, fleshly, and unable to be spoken to as spiritual men! They prove this with their vain arguments.
Please put things in perspective. Pastor Bakker is as passionate about Morningside, as he is about Jesus. Is there any other way? He is not a bully or a mean boss. If you intend to make a financial investment into the Ministry, you want to see it run as a business, not as a hobby, with a word not too popular now a days "accountability", "strict accountability". I feel better about giving to an organization where you know, by the leadership principles set forth by the Pastor, that those funds are going to the right causes. Zach is a very sincere individual, he is in that position because of that sincerety in addition to having a talent of reaching the hearts and minds of viewers with the message of Morningside. I hope you will free your hearts of all this negativity and join us in this pilgrimage of love.
Yes, it is true. The pastor at Grace Chapel last Sunday was Zach Drew preaching on the hidden codes of the Bible exactly as GCG said above. I am wondering if this is what Bakker meant when he said he was going to be putting Zach on the payroll? Notice that Bakker never said he was putting Zach on the payroll full-time. He just said he was putting him on the payroll. He could be paying him only for a couple hours per week, at minimum wage, to preach the Sunday services. The last big announcement regarding Zach was that he was being promoted into management and being placed in charge of the tabernacle which turned out to be an unpaid managerial position. Anyway, it looks as though the elderly at Grace Chapel have as much of an accredited pastor as the "students" do an accredited college. Regarding Zach attending a seminary--don't count on it. Not even Zach's hero, Jim, is a graduate of any seminary or other such institution that taught him how to preach. This is obvious since the first time Bakker read the Bible, cover to cover, was in federal prison. The Pentecostal faith is one of the few faiths I am aware of who considers it perfectly normal to have one call themselves a "Pastor" but then also have a full-time job in an unrelated profession elsewhere. This is why Bakker, himself, fancies himself as a builder/general contractor as much as he does a preacher. Not only is the money good in it, but having an entirely unrelated profession, to Bakker, is something totally normal to him. I have known Pentecostal pastors (on Sundays only) who are full-time police officers, assembly line factory workers, and furniture store salesmen. They liken this to the Bible mentioning Jesus as being a carpenter when, in the true sense of ancient Greek, the term "carpenter" actually meant "scholar".
I know a few actors in the past were Pentacostal Ministers, including Hugh Beumont of "Leave it to Beaver" fame amonsgt others.
Come on sunshine, you're whole comment was a sarcastic joke, right? Here's one for you.
Q: What do a Mormon, a Catholic, and a Jew have in common?
A: They all sell worthless shit on the jim bakker show.
The only thing Zach is interested in is BOINKING Sasha!!
Zack needs Lori's okay first
While I totally and completely respect the right of any individual to formulate their own opinion in one of the principles that make this country great, i.e. freedom of religion, I have just now read the comments posted by "The Sun Is Shining" above and I can not, in any manner, even force myself to agree with these statements.
Not only is Bakker a tyrant, a bully, and a mean boss, but his own trusted inner management also thinks the same and that I know as a fact. Bakker is under the false impression that, since he surrounds himself with "Yes Men" and "Yes Women" that these same "Yes Men" and "Yes Women" also agree with him once their cars pull out of the parking lot on Grace Street. Ladies and gentlemen, I can assure you, with 100% honesty and complete certainty, that this is not the case. Bakker has been known to be verbally abusive to even elderly people who work for him and I can name names, if I want, but will not. Any individual, who is of sound mind and not mentally ill, knows that it is completely and totally impossible to have the drastic rate of turnover that Bakker has with his staff if he is such a wonderful man to work for.
There is ZERO accountability, and to say there is "strict accountability" is laughable. Case in point: Bakker announced, when raising funds for "Stella's House" that there was total transparency and/or accountability for all funds being raised. I, personally, heard this announcement go over the airwaves on national television. Keep in mind that 2/3 of these funds went to Bakker and only 1/3 went to Cameron. I would like to challenge the poster above using the name "The Sun Is Shining" to point me, right now and in writing here on this blog, to exactly where I can go to see an accounting sheet of all funds raised for Stella's House in total and then see how much both Bakker and Cameron each took in personally. If you are NOT able to show me where this Excel Spreadsheet is, and you are not able to show me this right here and right now, then please don't come back here and continue to embarrass both yourself and your heros, Jim and Zach, by placing completely false and misleading information on this website. I would gladly accept such false information if it were a joke or for entertainment purposes but, if you don't know what you are talking about...and you clearly do not...please do not pretend like you do.
Evangel University is just a few miles away. It is an A of G school. If zacaroni wanted to be a pastor and not a con artist that is where he should've gone. My guess is that his ACT scores would be to low for admission.
That video shows the MMC student as they really are when the Jim show cameras are off. Zach, Sasha, Nolan and the rest are typical teenagers who like to party and have a good time.
After his own ministry didn't pan out, Kevin had to crawl back to Jim and made a deal to sing if he could peddle his new cd's on the show.
I cant wait for the tell-all book from Marie or Ricky to come out!
The most shocking and totally rude comment I have seen Bakker spout off to date occured on a live taping of his show a week ago. He mocked the many elderly studio audience and next told them that he had seen better looking people in a morgue. Nice guy eh?
"TELL ALL BOOK"!!!!!! What do you think, that these flunkies have the capacity to form coherent sentences verbally, never mind in text? What do they know? Look at their expressions, they are told what to think, you saw when Zack said the food was 'pretty good" Bakker was on him like fleas on rats telling him in so many worlds to embellish his words for effect.
Good idea, This "Reply" feature is good.
I don't like it. It makes the print much smaller on my computer and harder to read. Someone can always reply like they have in the past. Change it back to the old way.
Even his CD's will flop. Youtube hits on Kevin is amongst the lowest #s. He needs a better image, make a resolution and try to lose some size. Gilberti's is the last place a man on a diet should eat, even if you order an antipasto, the whole place smells like raviolli, you need dicipline in that kind of environment. The guy could be a good looking guy if he lost at least 100lb. I'm not being facetious when I say 100 lbs, he has to be over 300 lbs.
it has changed all postings to smaller font. don't care for it. old way easier to read.
Leave it this way, you can enhance the view on your computers. This is the procedure on all up to date forums, change is good.
I told my husband this morning that I'm adding "a trip to a live taping at Morningside" to my bucket list. I'd kill to see this nonsense happening live. And I want to know what a "Dino Cake" is.
The show plays at 10:00pm on my station, and I love capping off my night with Jim's antics. I haven't had any idiocy to fall asleep to since these re-runs started on Monday.
Come on, Jim! Back to work!!
No way you could sit there and keep your mouth shut. Lol. It would be fun to call bullshit, pocket some cookies and leave though.
Great idea, you can stay overnight in one of the cheaply constructed condos and mingle with the living dead residents, go to Gilbertis for a plant based pizza pie that tastes like cardboard and choke on a Dino carrot cake.
James Orsen Bakkers show is the best sitcom on tv and we cant wait for him to get back from his paid for vacation and provide us with some new comedy!
Dino cakes are the little cakes they give out to birthday attendees, although I've notice that practice has been cut out, I attribute it to lean overhead reductions. Dino owns a bakeshop next to where Bakker broadcast. You can buy them online, they are expensive, Dino is a renaissance man, add pastry chef to his resume.
Ya think? My gaydar is going up on this guy
I never use the "Reply" feature. :)
If the font is too big or too small, go into your browser setting and change it. Eazy peazy lemon squeezy.
The followers of this quack are nut cases. They will never come to their senses but if they do they will not come forward to tell the truth and show how idiotic their believe in this guy was.
Kelsey, Don't move around, it distracts Jim. No chewing gum, not permitted. No cell phones allowed unless you are Jerry Crawford, the owner of Morningside, since nobody has the balls to tell him to turn his off. Finally, when the audience members leave for the day please help yourself to all remaining cookies left on the tables. They like you to take them home with you since Bakker is too honest of a man to serve his audience used cookies instead of fresh ones. Between the both of us, we could each have a good purseful of cookies. Consider it helping the ministry. You certainly don't think Jim would ever violate Board of Health rules and serve the same food twice, do you?
I like the reply button, but the delete button has to go. Otherwise, zombies can make moronic flame posts and then go back and delete them. We need zombies comments to stay.
It must be all confusion and chaos at those shows. Like an old Saturday morning live kid show "Shenadigans" or "hellzapoppins" which were on ABC in the 60s. What would really make the show better if Jim had like a giant rubber hammer and bells and a kazoo and would hit Kevin over the head and blow the kazoo or penny whistle once in a while and Zach wore a big red ball nose. I'dwatch it them, you bet.
I was just thinking, if jim buys a bus, it should be a short bus. The zombies would recognize then.
Don't tell me that the Jewish Rabbi don't look like Bluto from Popeye.
I remember last year Jim stated that some famous kid or a kid of famous parents was going to become a student at Moronside. Who did this kid end up to be? His kid he had with Jessica Han?
Lori was saved from Rock N roll but will the kids be saved from Gansta rap? Stay tuned for tomorrow's show.
Great visual! :-)
That's Laugh-Out-Loud Funny! :-)
You are talking about Michael from The Voices of Glory, as seen on "America's Got Talent". He quit after Bakker promised him the moon and gave him nothing but a few trinkets of junk he was selling. The family felt used and lied to.
Anyone who moves to Morningside and joins the Jim Bakker Ministry is used, abused, and lied to. Good for this family that they didn't waste this boys life in that God forsaken place. Gotta ask yourself what kind of parents does Zach have! No parent in their right minds would let their kids anywhere near that place!
The parents of these kids have essentially sold them into slavery and should be ashamed of themselves. I don't imagine any of theses kids even knew who Jim Bakker was, and they certainly didn't sit at home watching him without first being introduced to the show by a cross-eyed relative.
Regarding the new format, I have no control over that it's a google thing. Hope to have a new post up next week if time permits (pretty hectic work schedule)
I thought we were the only ones who watched the Bakker Bozos right before bed!
Don't think I could stomach sitting through a taping though. Gotta have a strong gag reflex for something that dreadful.
has anyone noticed that saddam hussein is in the crowd with a hairpiece at every show..?
how come lori's face never moves?
On the Apple keyboard just hit the + while you hold down the Command key, until the type is the size you like. Don't know what to do on a PC.
That's the Silver Sol workin!
I have a few Jim Bakker Show audience members that I love seeing in the crowd. Yes, the Sadamm looking dude is awesome.
Having trouble with rely button not working.
Botox, Baby!
Anyone notice Lori's lips have a Daffy Duck thing goin' on there?
I like the "Mountain Man" who has a thick grey beard and heavy hair. He sits in the front rows. Reminds me of Grizzly Adams, you know he's there because they serve free cookies and coffee and for only that, fantasizes about making Lori his woman and taking her up to the cabin for the winter snow in.
No luck with the Reply button. Regarding Lori's lips, reminds me of Daisy Duck, what with all her eyelash-batting and coy poses.
Also, a suspicious technical difficulty for the last few days on the live feed of the JBS website.
I'm a relatively new watcher of the Jim Bakker Comedy Hour.
I'm amazed at how you see their marriage in shambles as demonstrated by things they say on the air.
I have seen Lori say that they seldom ever talk to each other except on the air. I have seen her say that they have multiple rumbles at home. I have seen Jim Frog be rude and hostile repeatedly to his wife during the show. He seldom lets her finish a sentence.
Why does she stay with him? Is it just for the $$$$? How long will their so-called marriage last?
I guess we'll see it all play out on our TV screens.
I too noticed technical difficulties on Jimbo's live feed on his website. Maybe Zach was tinkering with secret codes. Poof!!!!
Poor Zach and his secret codes. Next Sunday it will probably be the same message "Part Two"
Maybe this upcoming Sunday he'll move from the Bible's "Secret Codes" to "In N Out's Secret Menu", where he gives advice on how to order "4x4s" or 'Animal style' hamburgers. He'll also give us the correct codes to use when ordering milkshakes.
With all due respect, Ron, I have examined this entire blog, as a prophet, and I am feeling the presence of many secret codes. Unfortunately, this research does not come cheap. I would like to ask your help in donating the amount of $3000 in which, once received, I will unearth the secret codes. If that amount is too much and you are not able to afford it, I will set up a Paypal account and any amount you can send will be good--even $5.00!
I have been watching and laughing ever since the debacle of PTL. I have always found it amusing and never felt bad since it were morons that were donating the money to him. But now, since he has brought in helpless children in the the mix, there should be some kind of investigation to where the money is going. I hope someone with authority reads your site and begins to look into what is taking place. Keep up the great work...thanks for watching so I don't have to!!
That marriage is a business arrangement, Jim needed a wife to present a sense of legitimacy, don't worry about how Jim treats Lori, She knows where all the skeletons are buried, look at her expression sometimes when she looks at him it is saying "Buster, don't get too persnickety with me, watch it, watch it!!! I'll bury you". You know if she needed to she'd "KO" his skinny butt.
My money is on Lori when it comes to fisticuff!!!!
I agree, in addition to that, all his hanger- oners are kinda "shaky individuals" some with shaky pasts. I would not be too thrilled if my child indicated he wanted to attend classes there. In fact I would discourage it, that whole program reminds me of a cheap religious variety of "America's got Talent".
Absolutely, I have never seen any affection between Jimbo and Lori, and he constantly cuts her off in the middle of a sentence. She puts up with it because she is in it for the money. I'm sure she has so much on Jimbo and reminds him of it quite oftern.
I wonder what would happen if Jim were to ever get a divorce from Lori? In whose name will the money be funneled once Lori and her Mom are gone? Tammy Sue wants nothing to do with him at all. Jamie Charles is too honest to put his name anywhere near that place. The only person who could, quite possibly, be dumb enough to funnel the funds would be Grandson James unless his Mom gets to him first and puts a stop to it. Oh boy, let's hope a divorce is not on the horizon. It could ruin Jim's entire financial life and he will have to find someone else to buy him a $300,000 lakefront home with speedboat docked behind it.
Is that a fact? Is the son really a sincere and honest individual, I mean Jamie Charles? If so that's a positive point for Jim Bakker. He must have done something right to have raised such a child? I wonder how many more positive things Pastor Bakker has done? It's funny how convenient it is to focus on the few negatives and ignore the multitudes of positive things the Pastor and his wife have done. But I guess in keeping with the spirit of this forum you have to do just that, focus on the splinter in Pastor's eye and ignore the beam in yours.
Why does knumbnuts refer to his son as Ricky Ricardo?
Splinter in Fake Pastor's eye and beam in mine? Are you saying that I am a bigger sin this that con man? If you really believed in the work he is doing you should give all of your money to him.
6 picture down, Don't tell me Phil. Cameron don't look like John Wayne Gacy, aka Poco the Clown.
To Oh Well and Typical:
Everyone has his opinion and I don't have a high opinion of Jims son Jamie. I don't have a high opinion of anything Jim has done. Jim does so many negative things that they outweigh anything positive he may have do!
Take your worship of your Savior Jim Bakker somewhere else!
I believe that Jimbo is making reference in some distorted way to the "I Love Lucy Show".
To OW&T: Pearls and Pigs, my friend. Pearls and Pigs.
To Oh Well and Typical:
I too wonder how many more positive things Pastor Bakker has done? Care to list some? Before putting these positive thing(s) on this blog please think hard about it. Bakker is a snake in the grass and many people have been bit by him.
Well, let me see. He told you about 911 and the great Japan disaster AFTER they both already happened. What a prophet!
I'd also like to ask these Bakker supporters what they think Jim does that's negative. I've heard people say things like "i don't agree with everything that Jim does"...I'd like to see some acknowledgment of what those things they "don't agree with" are? Is it the fake crying bit, the blatant fear mongering, our something else?
I only started watching this show the last couple months.. didn't realize how entertaining it was.. funniest parts were when he gave grandma a 5 gallon drum of pinto beans for her birthday & he gave some other old bat tickets to yakov smirnoff - lmfao
oh and the random photo of an outhouse when he was pushing his water pump or some garbage but I was laughing so hard I couldn't follow everything.
what's everyone elses favs?
mountain man = saddam hair piece guy.. unless I missed some other retard in the audience.
For me it would have to be the inappropriate moaning sounds Lori makes when she reacts to what either Jimbo or a guest has said. It is so unbelievably funny.
I know a family that sold everything they had and moved to Morningside. They live in a small cramped condo. I went to visit them. Their rent is ridiculously high for what they get. The place is run down and not maintained well.
Everyone that moves there is expected to work their butts off, of course as volunteers to the ministry. Yes, Jim does yell at the old folks that live there. He screams at them that when you are servants of God you never retire. He raises his voice like the old time preachers. He puts fear into them, not only in what he says, but how he says it, and it is usually shouting insults at them! Of course when Jim says you never retire from doing God's work, it's code that you never retire from serving Jim and Lori!
Most of those people out there are struggling financially. But, I kid you not, they have buckets and buckets of food stacked to the ceiling in those cramped little condos!
I saw all of this myself so this is a first hand report. This is not a made up story. I feel I have to make this clear, because the people who support Jim accuse those who see the truth, and speak the truth, as bad people. They feel we are out to undermine a wonderful man and a wonderful ministry. Jim Bakker supporters have to be blind, deaf, or dumb to deny this happens there. It is a sorry state of affairs in the church today. So few have wisdom and discernment anymore!
Jim and Lori like to tell how they love to watch the old reruns of Lucy. I think when they dated they went to some Lucy museum. The Lucy show is one of their favorites, thus they call Ricky "Ricky Ricardo". I would think this would be highly embarrassing to a teenage boy.
lol at the lori "moaning" comment. i thought i was the only one who noticed. it used to be so much worse. she moans like a porn actress and i should know. this woman makes sex noises the entire show and usually she is off camera when she does it. too funny.
Ron: The "Reply" button is not working. Rather than leave a dead button on here why don't you go to your dashboard and change the template back to the way it used to be. At least that way worked fine with no problems.
I'll check some of the blogger settings, but I never changed anything so its probably a google-imposed change that I may not be able to fix
I think they call that a Monday morning prophet.
Nowadays you can sneeze without someone catching it on their cell phone camera. Why are we not see video of Jim in action?
I think this link explains why jim can treat anyone stupid enough to work for morningside anyway he wants. The EEOC has no jurisdiction in religious organizations. Sorry Zach, but you'll be cussed out and fired soon and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Jim Bakker and Ron Popiel should merge and combine strengths, they are both in the junk business anyways.
Since Ron is dead, do you suggest the merge take place sooner then later?
I want to go to Moldova and party with Papa Phil. I bet he knows all the best places.
The "Happy happy birthday, from Morningside to you ..." segments are straight out of the SCTV Show days. I love it that Kevin doesn't even struggle to get out of his chair to sing the birthday or aniversary songs! Then there's the hunt to find what table the lucky person is at. Funny thing is that there are so few tables and people and yet they make it seem like such an effort. The segment ends with a goofy gift given to a Bakker zombie. High marks for comedy!
I like the way Kevin applauds himself or maybe encourages the audience to applaud himself by setting the example. I get a kick out of Zach pointing to himself in the introduction. That show is funny.
Little Kid,
Yes I also think Zach pointing at himself is totally laughable. He makes a big deal about having you know who did the 20 second tv show introduction, then from that point on he just sits in a chair and nods his head in agreement to everything Bakker says. Prophet in training!
My favorite is from a month or so ago. Jim had little, cheap, mechanical toys he was playing with. He gave one to Grandma. Then he started bouncing on a Rebounder with the toys and said that the kids in Master's Media wanted to put together an old fashioned kid's show. He was bouncing with these silly toys. I think about 15 minutes of air time was footage of these stupid mechanical stuffed animals laughing and singing and rolling around on the table.
If you can afford to broadcast that nonsense, then what are you selling $3000 love gifts for to stay on the air? If you ever showed up at a brick and mortar church, and the pastor was playing with toys and laughing at himself and bouncing on a trampoline, you'd run out of there. Somehow, because it's Jim and it's TV, this stuff flies.
I'd love to watch that episode again. Better than watching that lump of pubes do a bad job of picking apart Isaiah for another week.
Zach and his self pointing thumbs reminds me of the old doctor on Scrubs. He says "What has 2 thumbs and doesn't care?" Then he points at himself with both thumbs. The Zachster my be goofy but he is not stupid. I believe he knows that if he sucks up to Jimbob he can become a big wheel in the organization.
I love countering scripture with scripture!
1 John 4:1
"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."
How do you know a false prophet?
Does this teacher preach the gospel? The gospel is defined as the good news concerning Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ). As nice as they sound, the statements “God loves you,” “God wants us to feed the hungry,” and “God wants you to be wealthy” are not the complete message of the gospel. As Paul warns in Galatians 1:7 , “Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.” No one, not even a great preacher, has the right to change the message that God gave us. “If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!” (Galatians 1:9 ).
Does this teacher exhibit character qualities that glorify the Lord? Speaking of false teachers, Jude 11 says, “They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error; they have been destroyed in Korah’s rebellion.” In other words, a false teacher can be known by his pride (Cain’s rejection of God’s plan), greed (Balaam’s prophesying for money), and rebellion (Korah’s promotion of himself over Moses). Jesus said to beware of such people and that we would know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:15-20 ).
Hey! I've just given you more teachign on scripture than Jim has in a year of television shows!
Lori always has to PUSH product. It's irritating that she is not content on manipulating the old folks, she has to PUSH them to buy for ALL those they LOVE. So you don't love your kids and grandchildren of you don't buy all of Jim's junk for them! How do they sleep at night!
ah yes i forgot about this.. i enjoyed the one with all the old ladies bouncing up & down.
For John 3:16......
I'm an old guy and I have a seminary degree. You know, all of this Jim Bakker Show absurdity points to a larger issue. That is, that one particular human being becomes the "mouthpiece" for God and becomes part of a religious monarchy.
Most people don't realize that the word "pastor" is mentioned in the Bible only one time. And it is not recognized in that one mention as an elevated position. There is much more said about "the priesthood of all believers," recognizing democracy as a good thing among believers.
Younger people I know are really getting tired of the pastor exaltation we see on TV and in the mega-churches.
They rightly recognize that every believer is an integral part of the Body of Christ and that no one man or woman should be elevated and esteemed more highly than another member of that Body.
And yes, this comment is coming from someone with a seminary degree who used to be a pastor.
Jim, give it up, will ya? Become a servant instead of expecting to BE served.
Pastor Bakker devoted his entire life to serving the Lord, and his flock. I'd sooner follow his lead then some guy straight out of the Seminary with some "fancy-smancy" sheepskin. He's been in the trenches, and on the streets, in the shelters and the soup kitchens. No!! He's OK in my book, he does, while you people only talk. He walks the righteous walk, while you folk talk the sweatless talk.
your god is a fraud just like ol jimbo.
Need an aspirin after visiting here,
Don't ya think that Bakker has a "fancy-smancy" boat, truck, home and cabin for a guy making only 300 a week? Explain that you zombie!
Just want to point out that "guy" and "straight" should not be used in the same sentence when describing jim bakker.
Need an aspirin....you need more than an aspirin you need a drug that wakes you up and gives you some common sense!
Jim Bakker is the wolf in sheepskin that Jesus warned us about! You people make me want to scream "WAKE UP FOOLS!"
He's been in the trenches! Prove it. I believe he's lived in mansions, and fancy condos, and big lake homes more than on the streets!
He has those people at Morningside bowing down to him. It is sick how people are always nervous around Jim. They always want someone to put in a good word for them to Jim and Lori. They want to be recognized for the hard work they do, which they never get! Those people worked day and night to put on those fancy schmancy weddings for his daughters. And I mean through the night!!!! While Jim and Lori were getting their beauty sleep, many people were working around the clock to put on the high falutin events. Then after being the center of attention at their own kids weddings Jim had the nerve to sell videos of them to line his own pockets! What did he give those who worked hours of hard labor on those weddings? Videos of the weddings! And many never even got the video. I bought nice gifts for those girls and did not even get a thank you card. This family knows nothing of gratitude and graciousness! Jim is the most arrogant, self centered, pompous person. He thinks he's royalty and he is teaching those kids the same! It is known don't stand up to a Bakker who's being a bully or there will be hell to pay!
Jim has never sweated a day in his life, and neither has his dog(s)!
He walks the talk, lol, did you mean the BS!
To the poster with the seminary degree two responses up:
THANK-YOU for confirming what I have been saying here all along. A "Pastor" is not an elevated position and is a position of equalness in the body of Christ. You are so correct. This is something Bakker has forgotten in his never ending game of fraud.
You mention Bakker expecting to be served. Well, I almost fell out of my chair twice in the last month while listening to this con artist on TV. He said that he does not like to serve food because he is a man of God and that the Bible says a man of God should always be served food and not do the serving. Yes, he said this is Biblical! But, I notice when he is selling those food buckets they will cook up some of that freeze dried corn and then Bakker, himself, goes out in the audience, with plastic spoons, and begins spoon feeding members of the audience in an attempt to sell the food! Is this not the height of hypocrisy or what?
Next, I was watching a live broadcast when Bakker said he could not understand why both waiters and waitresses were getting so upset at being left, as a tip, what appeared to be real ten-dollar bills but instead were fake. He even showed a photo graphic of a place setting such as one would dine with at a restaurant. People, he said, were slipping a piece of paper that was cut the same size as U.S. currency under their plates as they left the restaurant. The pieces of cut paper, to the naked eye, looked exactly like a ten-dollar bill. Thinking they had received a ten-dollar tip, the food servers were ecstatic. When they pulled their "tip" out from under the plate, the printing portion of the ten-dollar bill stopped after the upper right hand corner--just enough space to look realistic under the plate and the rest of the fake bill contained a Bible verse. Bakker said that, not only was this a great idea, but that he was thinking of printing some of them up himself. Kevin Shorey then made a comment asking Bakker if they were going to be called "Bakker Bucks" to which Lori immediately interrupted and said she wanted that remark completely edited out of the tape. She said if the federal government heard Jim say he was printing his own "Bakker Bucks" he would surely go straight back to prison.
Bakker said the fake ten-dollar bills people were leaving as tips, containing Bible verses, were far more valuable than real currency and that the waiters and waitresses receiving them should realize that.
I swear, the finest Hollywood script writers could never do a better job of making this stuff up! What is even more upsetting is that impressionable youth are residing at his fake "college" and being forced to listen to this garbage. Jim not only says it is Biblical for him to be served food and not do the serving but then says it is a good thing to stiff the person in a restaurant serving him. What a totally arrogant S.O.B. !!!
I like how Kevin is funny at the beginning of the show and does funny things like wear a pith helmet or has a rose between his teeth, or smiles funny when he turns around quick and waves to the camera, or is always showing his CDs. I laugh.
Lol. I hope he frequents the same restaurant. I can only imagine what he eats mixed in with what he's ordered.
That's how far this jerk is from the real world. Those servers often time work for min. wage or less and depend on tips.
He's just an ass and the people that follow him are the holes.
There is a goofy person commenting on the Branson Topix Forum Board about Jim. The person calls themselves Jaza. This person is from Canada. The forum is called "Jim Bakker is back and trolling for new suckers". It is great entertainment reading what this person wrote. If you want a good laugh check it out :)
Jim brought in Bluto, I mean the good Rabbi Jonathan Cahn to follow his protocol in scaring the daylights out of the oldtimers. In return the Rabbi gets to peddle his books of doom!
I remember when Jim was spoon feeding his guests. He has too. Those folks are old and feeble minded. They are his biggest contributors.
I like watching Kevin on the show. The best part is when he makes funny comments about what Jim just said. I can never understand why they don't edit those out. I guess Jim does not really screen the final videos.
Has anyone ever seen Jim out in Branson or Blue eye? I wonder how the locals react.
jim doesn't like Kevin, but the singer keeps the zombies entertained enough to keep him around.You
I get the impression that Bakker doesn't care much for Kevin also. What's behind that bad blood? Kevin seems harmless, he's not a threat to Bakker, I know Bakker's wife made a couple of innocuous remarks about how if she went out for fun Kevin is a good one to have along, cause he's funny and Bakker might be a "stick in the Mud", falling asleep at the most improper times. Kevin's father-in-law is Mel Tillis and maybe Kevin is not doing enough to get him booked on Bakker's show which would be a spike in the ratings dept, and Bakker resents that.
At this point I think they need each other. When Kevin left I read on different sites that people wanted him back. When he was gone I looked at his website and it did not see that he was doing much. Now they can live off each other.
Kevin is a pretty funny guy and we all know that Mel Tillis is also funny. I would like to be a fly on the wall when Kevin is sitting with Mel at his house and they start making fun about Bakker and his Slop Buckets.
Amen! Jim claims to be a humble servant of God. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jim needs to get out of Revelation and study the Gospels again. I would suggest he focus on Mark 9:35....
Sitting down Jesus called the twelve disciples and said "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and a servant of all.
I like Kevin. He makes me laugh!
i love kevins goofy ass smile on the intro's. he cant sing for anything. but it is very funny when he starts getting into a song like he's really driving it home and tries to dance a little but he is too fat to move his feet. gotta love jims massive prison bitch.
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